Technical English Writing 2023 – BSc Computer Science Part 2

Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 7


Paper code: 13510
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Examination, 2023
Paper No. 1.1

Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50


Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions in your own words : 10


Philosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, nature, and ideals of education. It can be considered as a branch of both philosophy and education. 

Education can be defined as the teaching and learning of specific skills, and the importing of knowledge, judgement, and wisdom. It is something broader than the societal institution of education, we often speak of.

Many educationalists consider it a weak and wooly field, too far removed from the practical applications of the real world to be useful. But philosophers dating back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have given the area much thought and emphasis. Plato believed that talent and intelligence are not disturbed genetically and thus are found in children born to all classes. Aristotle emphasized the balancing aspects of subjects taught, among which he explicitly mentions reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical education, literature etc. Which he considered important.


(i) What is the philosophy of Education?

(ii) How can the term ‘Education’ be comprehended?

(iii) Why do many educationalists consider it a weak and woolly field?

(iv) What was Plato’s belief?

(v) What was Aristotle’s emphasis?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses in any ten of the following sentences : 10


(i) The principle (punish) him if he sees him.

(ii) He always (come) late.

(iii) Listen, I think the telephone (ring).

(iv) They assured that they (help) us.

(v) Gautam says that boredom (emerge) out of disinterestedness.

        (vi) The clerk is trying to (get) a better job.

        (vii) It is possible that I (be) mistaken.

        (viii) I saw Ravi (stand) at the bus stop.

        (ix) My brother (get) up very early morning.

        (x) He is always (lose) in himself.

        (xi) I (complete) this assignment last week.

        (xii) When the teacher entered, the students (talk) loudly.

3. Use correct option in any ten of the following sentences : 10


(i) Let us enjoy ________ . (ourselves/ourself)

(ii) He is man of ____ words. (few/a few/the few)

(iii) The _______ part of the speech was interesting. (latter/later/latest)

(iv) It is ______ hot to go outside. (very/too/much)

(v) Honest men speak _______ truth. (a/an/the)

        (vi) You and I have done __________ duty. (your/our/my)

        (vii) It was _____________ who first protested. (me/I)

        (viii) Blessed is he __________ has got his desired result. (who/which/whose)

        (ix) ___________ did you see? (who/whose/whom)

        (x) No __________ reasons were given. (further/farther)

        (xi) Who is the ______________ living poet? (great/greater/greatest)

        (xii) Walk quickly, ______________ you will not overtake him. (lest/else/therefore)

4. Use any ten of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in meaning :

(i) Amiable, Amicable

(ii) Canon, Cannon

(iii) Childish, Childlike

(iv) Official, Officious

(v) President, Precedent

(vi) Canvas, Canvass

(vii) Difference, Deference

(viii) Patrol, Petrol

(ix) Credible, Creditable

(x) Soul, Sole

(xi) Weather, Whether

(xii) Story, Storey

5. Substitute one word each for any ten of the following : 10


(i) One who hates women.

(ii) One who kills a human being.

(iii) That cannot be avoided.

(iv) That which is the purest and most essential part.

(v) One who knows everything.

(vi) One who talks much with little sense.

(vii) One who always loves his country.

(viii) A child who is born after his father’s death.

(ix) One who is inordinately desirous of money.

(x) Happening at the same time.

(xi) One who abstains from all alcoholic drinks.

(xii) Medical examination of a dead body.

6. (a) From one word each by attaching he following prefixes:

(i) uni

(ii) dis

(iii) non

(iv) Omni

(v) pre

(b) From one word each by attaching the following suffixes:

(i) acy

(ii) ment

(iii) ship

(iv) less

(v) dom

7. Write a note on the pros and cons of ‘Cyber Security’.


Lokesh Kumar

Being EASTER SCIENCE's founder, Lokesh Kumar wants to share his knowledge and ideas. His motive is "We assist you to choose the best", He believes in different thinking.

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