GUI Design 2021 – BSc Computer Science Part 2

GUI Design-2021

Total No. of Questions: 8] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 3


Paper code: 13516
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Paper No. 3.1

Time: Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50


Note: Attempt all sections as directed.


Note: Attempt any two questions:15 each

1. (a) What are the advantages of Graphical User Interface?

    (b) How to create folders and files in GUI based operating system?

2. (a) Describe various submenus of menu bar in VB.

    (b) How to customize a form?

3. (a) Explain cretion of control with example in VB.

    (b) How to build user interface in VB?

4. (a) How to create labels in VB?

    (b) Differentiate between tool bar and tool box.


Note: Attempt any one question:20 each

5. (a) What are various data types in VB? Describe.

    (b) Explain syntax of writing a procedure.

6. (a) Why loops are used? Describe various loops in VB.

    (b) Write a program in VB to calculate factorial of a number.

7. (a) Explain any 4-buit-in function of VB with syntax.

    (b) What are the features of object oriented programming? Explain with example.

8. Explain in brief of the following:

(a) Quering the database

(b) Object creation

(c) Grids

(d) Printer Object

(e) Searching of records.


Lokesh Kumar: Being EASTER SCIENCE's founder, Lokesh Kumar wants to share his knowledge and ideas. His motive is "We assist you to choose the best", He believes in different thinking.
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